How to earn referral commissions?

Here are the steps to earn commissions in our new referral program which will be active starting from 11 November 2021:

1. On Pintu app, go to the Referral page. Here’s how you can access the Referral page: Tap the Account menu located at the bottom right of the screen, then tap the Referral menu.

2. On the Referral page, tap the Invite Friends button to send a referral message through your preferred app, or you can also share your referral code/username to your friend.

3. After sharing your username to the invitee, the invitee needs to enter your username on the Use a Username tab on the Referral page of his/her Pintu app.

4. You will earn a commission each time the invitee makes a buy/sell transaction.

5. You can check the commissions you’ve earned on the Referral Commission History.

6. To claim the commissions you’ve earned, tap the Claim button.

The commissions that you have claimed will go into the IDRT wallet.

Transactions from Pintu Pro are not included in the referral program

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